• Working Hours 10:00 AM - 7:00 PM



CLASSICAL V-BELT is Heat & Oil resistant, antistatic, universal belt type with good power transmission capabilities. The V-belts have tolerance level stable and they can be combined into matched sets without sorting.

Wear resistant bias cut neoprene rubberized polyester cotton fabric
High tenacity, low stretch, specially treated polyester & kevlar cords
High tensile cord embedding cushion rubber compound
Specially compounded high modulus compression rubber
Standards, Dimensions & Product Range:

We manufacture the entire range of Classical V-belts. The nominal length designation for these belts is inside

length (Li) in inches. The length conversion factors are mentioned in the specification sheet below.

Classical V-Belt1
DimensionsAngle (Deg)Pitch Width WP (mm)Top to pitch h (mm)Belt Length Factor StandardRecommended Minimum Pulley Diameter (mm)Manufacturing Range
Tw (mm)Th (mm)Lp to La (mm)Li to La (mm)Li to La (mm)Min (Inch)Max (Inch)Length Designantion
13840112.75203050IS 2494,ISO7113360Li
171140143.5264369IS 2494,ISO11216658Li
221440194.8325688IS 2494,ISO18031658Li
321940278.14079119IS 2494,ISO35544.5662Li
382340328.55392145IS 249450090658Li

Note: Li: Inside Length, La: Outside Length, Lp: Pitch Length, Le: Effective Length


  • Top width to height ratio 1.6:1
  • Temperature range: -18° C to +80° C
  • Maximum recommended belt speed is 30 m/sec

Antistatic, Oil and Heat resistant